Uninstalling on your own

You’re always in control of your website when using Render Better, including the decision to stop using Render Better. This guide provides the necessary steps to fully uninstall Render Better without the involvement of Render Better’s support team. We recommend always seeking the support of our team for assistance with uninstalling Render Better to ensure a smooth process that does not involve any downtime.

Warning: Proceeding with this guide waives any Service Level guarantees of Render Better.
Warning: Removing Render Better is unrecoverable operation without Render Better’s involvement. Re-installation of Render Better will require support from one of Render Better’s solutions engineers.
Warning: Following these steps may result in some temporary downtime. We recommend performing these steps during the hours when your website’s traffic is at its lowest.
  1. Point your store CNAME record back to shops.myshopify.com.
  2. The CNAME record for your store sends traffic to Render Better. This record is typically the www subdomain (e.g. www.example.com) or the naked domain (e.g. example.com). This must be modified to point to Shopify via shops.myshopify.com for Shopify to respond to traffic at this subdomain. See Shopify’s documentation for details.

  3. Add the domain to Shopify and make it the primary domain.
    1. For Shopify to respond to traffic for your store, the www subdomain must be added back into Shopify’s domain settings panel.

    2. Go to Settings > Domains.
    3. Look for your domain in this list. If your domain is already in the list of domains, you will need to remove it first (it will be re-added in the subsequent steps).
    4. Click on Connect existing domain at the top of the page.
    5. Add your domain (e.g. www.example.com) and click next, following the steps.
    6. Once the domain is connected, click on the domain in the list, click Change domain type, set it as the Primary domain, and finally click the Change domain type button.
    7. See Shopify’s guide for official instructions on how to add domains to Shopify.

  4. Disable or remove Render Better’s theme support code.
    1. During the onboarding steps, Render Better’s theme support code was installed into your Shopify theme either by your team or by Render Better. To remove this code, simply undo the steps from the installation guide here (usually a quick search for all occurrences of “renderbetter-support" can find all the spots in the theme code where this support code was used).

      Another, quicker alternative is to simply disable the theme support code instead of fully removing it. To disable the code, follow the steps below:

    2. Within the Online Store > Themes section, click the Customize button.
    3. In the panel to the left of the screen, click the Theme settings icon.
    4. Find the Render Better theme settings area and uncheck Enabled Render Better Optimizations and Enable Redirect. The other theme settings can stay checked (they won't change anything).
    5. Save the changes to the theme.