Testing in the staging environment

Getting to your staging site

To begin testing on your Render Better staging site you can open your provided URL. Your staging URL is likely one of the following:

  • https://rb.yourwebsite.com/
    • If you have a dedicated staging URL it will likely be on the rb subdomain
  • https://yourwebsite.com/?rb_stage_session
    • If you do not have a dedicated staging URL you can begin a new session in the staging environment by appending ?rb_stage_sesssion to the end of the URL.
    • 💡
      Be sure to do this in an Incognito window as it flags the current browser session to always be served the Staging site. If you go to the URL in your normal browser session by accident you can get back to your live site by clearing your cookies.
  • Custom URL
    • If you’re testing a preview theme you may have been provided with a URL from Render Better that may look like https://yourwebsite.renderbetter.dev/. Be sure to use this URL while testing to stay on the preview theme.

Important notes

The staging environment generates optimizations after a page is visited for the first time. To make sure you're testing the full set of optimizations we recommend you visit several pages, wait 5 minutes or so and then visit the same pages again.

What to look out for

When testing your staging environment, it's important to check that your website looks and behaves normally. This includes checking that all apps are functioning correctly and that any imagery is loading in the right size and quality.

If you notice any issues, be sure to verify that they are not present on your live site or directly on your Shopify URL. You can visit your Shopify site without Render Better by adding ?rb_original_site to the end of the URL.