Changing Render Better’s settings through Shopify’s theme settings

Render Better can be controlled in Shopify’s theme settings for your live theme if Render Better’s theme support code has been added to the theme. These theme settings allow you to change certain behaviors of Render Better or to fully turn on or off Render Better’s optimizations.

How to find Render Better’s theme settings in Shopify

Note: Render Better’s theme support code must be added to the currently published theme on your store for you to find Render Better’s theme settings.

To find Render Better’s theme settings, follow the below steps:

  1. Within Shopify’s store dashboard, open the Online Store sales channel in the left-hand navigation, and then open the Themes submenu item.
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  3. Within Themes, find the Current Theme (the published theme) at the top of the page. Click on the Customize button.
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  5. In the left-hand navigation of the Theme Customizer, click on the gear icon to open up the theme’s settings.
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  7. Expand the menu item for Render Better in the list of theme settings.
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What each setting does

Below are the settings available and how each affects Render Better’s behavior:

Enable Render Better
Enables Render Better’s optimizations when enabled. Traffic will still pass through Render Better even if optimizations are disabled.
Enable Redirect
A subdomain was set up for your site to send traffic in cases where you urgently need to stop using Render Better to proxy traffic. By default, visitors will be redirected away from this subdomain. Unchecking this box will allow the visitors to stay on the subdomain. See
Enable Optimization Updates
Render Better generates new optimizations for each page after a certain period time. Unchecking this box will prevent new optimizations from being generated.
Enable Optimization Updates On Weekends
Render Better generates new optimizations for each page after a certain period time. Unchecking this box will prevent new optimizations from being generated on weekends (Enable Optimization Updates must be checked for this setting to have any effect).
Shopify Subdomain
A subdomain was set up for your site to send traffic in cases where you urgently need to stop using Render Better to proxy traffic. This setting ensures visitors and search engines don’t accidentally use this subdomain by specifying the subdomain. See
Render Better Domain
This setting sets the domain where all traffic should go to. It is used for any redirects away from the Shopify Subdomain.
This is a list of the only optimizations that Render Better should run for the website.

Legacy settings

Some settings are for legacy features of Render Better and are no longer used. Below is a list of settings that are no longer in use:

  • Enable Checkout Link Rewriter (Shopify + only)